
Watch “How We Built This: Designing Organizational Culture,” an UpStart Webinar with eJewish Philanthropy

By Taylor Epstein, Jenny Kibrit Smith and
Jaime Rapaport Barry

What would having an intentional, positive culture do for your organization? What might it make possible?

We know these questions are at the forefront of people’s minds in our community. After the enthusiastic response to “How We Built This: Designing the UpStart Culture Deck,” we wanted to help people dig deeper into their own organizational culture.

Your organization already has a culture, whether or not you’re intentionally building it. As scary as that sounds, it is possible to design the culture you want to see. In our webinar in partnership with eJewish Philanthropy, we walk you through how to create an organizational culture process that follows the four-step design process: diagnose, develop, codify, and activate.

Watch the one-hour webinar here.

Learn about the key inputs for this culture-building process (hint: one of them is buy-in from executive leadership), how to collect and analyze the data you need, and more. This is an iterative process, not a one-and-done. We’re embarking on the second year of activating our culture, and are actively refining how our “culture crews” (small teams focused on an aspect of our culture) work and how they can be more effective.

Stay tuned for more learnings about this process!

UpStart partners with the Jewish community’s boldest leaders to expand the picture of how Jews find meaning and how we come together. Taylor Epstein is the Senior Director, Design Strategy; Jenny Kibrit Smith is the Senior Director, People & Systems; and Jaime Rapaport Barry is the Senior Director, Brand Strategy, at UpStart.