The Week That Was: February 26-March 3
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in descending order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
The Campaign for Youth Engagement: A Call to Action
by Rabbi Jonah Pesner
There have been several articles recently about the issue of engaging teens in Jewish life. Many claim to have found the golden ticket – the one program that can solve this problem. As it should be, this issue of engaging teens is at the top of the list for many in the Jewish community and we in the Reform Movement share both the concern and the excitement about how to engage the next generation. This problem will require numerous solutions, including expanding beyond the walls of our synagogues and indeed, outside our own Movement.
The 10 Questions North American Donors Will Ask Israeli Nonprofit
by Jeff Kaye
For any of us in the field of Israeli fundraising, there are several questions that we can easily anticipate when meeting with North American donors or grant-makers. To my knowledge there is no Cliff Notes Study Guide for Israeli fundraising, so I plan to outline the questions that may be asked, or actually, will be asked, by donors. Over the next few months, we will try to answer some of these questions.
Government Increases Rate of Ethiopian Aliyah
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) gave the Jewish Agency approval to dramatically increase the rate of Ethiopian aliyah to 250 per month.
Goddess of the Night
by Jody Portnoff Braunig
I have been living in New Orleans for almost 14 years, and since I am the parent of two young children born here, that almost makes me a local. As Director of Planning, Allocations, Community Relations, Partnership2Gether and Israel and Overseas for the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, I, like many of us, struggle to find the balance between work, family and play.
Elephants in the Jewish Agency Room
by Dan Brown
The winter meetings of the Jewish Agency (JAFI) Board of Governors opened this morning in Jerusalem. The 3-day agenda is packed, with issues ranging from religious pluralism in Israel to rekindling the love between young Jews all over the world and Israel; from the broadest geopolitics to the internal strategy and management of the organization.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.