The IDF Widows and Orphans Organization has developed a Yom Hazikaron Educational Kit

The IDF Widows and Orphans Organization has developed a Yom Hazikaron Educational Kit for Jewish educators around the world.

This educational program was created for students in Jewish day schools in order to reach world Jewry on a more personal level and to teach them about the importance of Yom Hazikaron: Israeli Memorial Day.

Yom Hazikaron is one of the most important days of the year in Israel, and we would like to give Jews in the Diaspora the tools to gain more knowledge about it and to connect to it.

The IDFWO’s educational program seeks to teach Jewish students around the world about this day by telling the stories of IDF Orphans. Stories are an effective way of conveying information, because they forge connections between people. When students hear the stories of children their age who have lost a parent during their service to the State of Israel, they are touched on a more personal level.

Through these stories told in the form of a documentary and the accompanying activities found in the teacher booklet, students will learn about Israeli history, culture, and language.

Our educational kit includes:

-An exclusive documentary with the testimonies of IDF orphans

-A teacher booklet complete with:

  • History lesson plans and activities
  • Hebrew lesson plans and activities
  • Instructions
  • An answer key
  • Further resources

For more information contact Lea Naomi Levy at

Learn more about IDFWO here