Request for Proposals from Organizations Serving Vulnerable Jewish Populations

Dear friends,

The present crises has created an overwhelming and unprecedented need for Emergency Funding to provide services for Vulnerable Jewish Populations, including: the ElderlyPoorChildren at RiskAbuse Victims, Cancer Patients, and of course those who are suddenly ill and/or have lost their jobs.

In these challenging times, when for the next 3-4 months philanthropists, foundations and organizations must refocus their giving and budgets to support areas that in some cases have been secondary to our commitment to Jewish EngagementEducationSupporting College StudentsCombatting BDS and the sudden rise in Anti-Semitism, all of which will be critical once the crises has subsided … and it will.

The Center for Entrepreneurial Jewish Philanthropy is therefore putting out a request for proposals from organizations that are serving Vulnerable Jewish Populations and need additional, one-time, emergency funding.  We will also consider programs that serve all populations in Israel.

While we are not a foundation which allocates money, we do advise philanthropists and foundations, and will be hosting  a number of Video Summits for funders to highlight the needs. We are also considering posting proposals online should the selected organizations approve.

Please review the enclosed application which will explain the process. You will need to click the above link to download the file and look to the appropriate location on your computer to retrieve the file. (If you have difficulty downloading the application, email the address below).

The deadline is this Monday, March 30th at 5pm EDT. If you submit after the deadline we may not be able to consider your request. Submissions should be sent to (We will not be able to consider request that do not use our application.) 

One important disclaimer. The stock market crash and sudden economic downturn are very real, and this is an enormously ambitious plan. We are deeply committed to helping you, but these are unprecedented and fluid times. Please be understanding of us as we navigate these unchartered waters.

May G-d help keep you and your family safe and May we help and protect the vulnerable during these trying times.

The Board of the Center for Entrepreneurial Jewish Philanthropy