Registration is OPEN for Two Hadar Immersive Programs
Are you a Jewish professional? A day school educator? You should not have to wait until retirement to jump back into substantive and immersive Jewish learning.
Hadar, a Jewish education institute based in New York, is hosting two distinct week-long learning seminars this summer: One for Jewish professionals and a second specifically for day school educators.
Registration is now open and scholarships are available.
Now in it’s fourth year, Hadar’s Jewish Professionals Institute (JPI) (June 17-21, 2018), is an opportunity for Jewish Professionals from a variety of backgrounds to deepen their connection to Jewish learning around relevant and substantive issues.
This year’s seminar will feature four tracks designed for:
- Hillel Professionals
- Synagogue Educators
- Social Justice Professionals
- Foundation Professionals
The following week, Hadar will kick off its inaugural Day School Educators Institute (DSEI) (June 24-28, 2018), which aims to empower educators to enhance Jewish learning in the day school classroom with trainings on the Pedagogy of Partnership and the Standards for Fluency and Practice.
One 2017 JPI participant reflected, “I had no idea what to expect and was completely blown away by the intensity and depth of the experience. This was one of the finest professional development opportunities I have participated in. Never have I felt so cared for as a learner while being respected as a professional educator.”
The guiding theme for both of these programs in 2018 is Jewish Journeys, Then and Now – Stories that Impact Our Lives. Led by Hadar faculty – Rabbis Elie Kaunfer and Avital Hochstein, participants will revisit some of the stories at the core of our tradition and develop new relationships with the narratives that have shaped our Jewish lives.
Highlights of these programs include:
- Deepening your connection to Jewish learning and texts in a beit midrash setting with Hadar’s core faculty
- Engaging with colleagues from a variety of places and backgrounds.
- Learning ‘pocket Torah’ that will be useful in real-life work scenarios with colleagues, lay leaders, volunteers, and constituents.
Learners of all backgrounds are welcome!
Register today for JPI or DSEI and see how immersive Jewish learning can transform your career.