Knesset Caucus for Israel-US Relations Meets
The Knesset caucus for Israel-US relations, established by MK Nachman Shai (Labor) in partnership with the Ruderman Family Foundation, held its second meeting on Tuesday November 12th. The topic of the session was Jewish Dialogue 2013: What are the boundaries and limitations? The featured speakers were Rabbi Richard Jacobs, President of Union for Reform Judaism and Rabbi David Stav, the Chairman of Tzohar. The two rabbis discussed a broad range of relevant issues to the US Jewish community, including the recent Pew study, the rights of non-religious Jews in Israel and ways to increase the dialogue between Israelis and US Jewry.
“Consistently, the Israeli public places great value on American Jewish support for the future and security of Israel and they expect their elected officials to work hard to strengthen those relations,” said Jay Ruderman, President of the Ruderman Family Foundation. “We recognize the enormous challenge this presents to those of us dedicated to enhancing this relationship. It is our firm belief that a deeper understanding between Israel and the American Jewish Diaspora is essential to a fair and flourishing Jewish community – and is of strategic importance to Israel.”