IsraAID is Building Shelters and Providing Emotional Support in Italy
Scai Village, Amatrice Region, Italy – As IsraAID continues its humanitarian aid mission in Italy, survivors are struggling to pick up the pieces of their life following the devastating earthquake.
IsraAID team member, Mickey Noam Alon recalls the first time their team met with village elders:
“While working in the temporary shelter of Scai, we met Gabriele Gabiza, an 82 years old man who lives alone in a traditional house that’s over a 150 years old.
Gabiza was asleep at home when the quake hit leaving part of his house completely collapsed and walls filled with cracks. Like hundreds of others, Gabiza was left stranded in the middle of the night, without shelter or a safe roof over his head.
After hours of wondering through what remained of the streets, Gabiza headed to one of the community shelters that was erected within 24 hours of the quake.
When I met him, he was clearly exhausted, shocked and confused. He was straddling slowly with his walking stick unsure of where to go.
Immediately an IsraAID team member helped him to find a place to sit, offered him a warm blanket and some water.
Seated next to him was his neighbor, Luccia Di Stephano, who lives with her family next door. Their house was also totally destroyed, but luckily everyone was able to escape safely.
Scai is a small village with the vast majority of residents being elderly. At least 80 residents are now seeking safety in the community shelter.
Today, after getting some rest in the temporary shelter Gabiza says he feels better. As parts of the village are sealed off due to safety concerns, Gabiza will not be able to return to his home just yet. He’s anxious to see what is left of his house and belongings as well his herd which are still in the field. He is worried about how he will be able to care for them.”
Photos courtesy IsraAid