Encounter and Journeys: Exploring What Cultivates Jewish Peoplehood
Hosted by CASJE, Blogcast Underway Addresses Formative Experiences
like Travel and Mifgash
Leading practitioners, funders, and researchers in Jewish education are engaging in an online, rich conversation exploring different experiences – such as travel and mifgash – that cultivate a sense of Jewish Peoplehood. Hosted by CASJE (Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education), the blogcast aims to help develop a robust research agenda that will inform how funders and practitioners approach Jewish Peoplehood Education.
Throughout the blogcast, readers watch the text discussion develop in real-time among the expert cast participants, which includes Sally Berkovic, Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe; Clare Goldwater, Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education; Jeremy Leigh, Jewish Journeys, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (Jerusalem); Shaul Kelner, Vanderbilt University; Ezra Kopelowitz, Research Success Technologies (ReST); and Sigalit Rubinson, Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. Readers can submit comments or questions to the participants as well.
CASJE previously held blogcasts exploring Jewish identity, Hebrew language education, contemporary antisemitism and Jewish education, Jewish early childhood education, and Jewish summer camp. Currently, CASJE is supporting an active program of research in Jewish educational leadership in day schools and has just received funding to launch a program of research in early childhood education as a portal to engagement.
Follow-the blogcast here and below: