Cleveland Federation Cuts Allocations
from Cleveland Jewish News:
Most agencies see slight decrease in JF allocations
For the second year in a row, most local, national and overseas Jewish agencies supported by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland are slated to receive less funding than in the previous year. However the cuts made in fiscal year 2010/2011 represent a notably smaller percentage of agencies’ budgets compared with cuts made in FY 09/10.
… Federation’s 2010 Campaign for Jewish Needs raised $27,542,531, a decrease of $1,229,889 from 2009’s campaign total and a 4% loss in campaign earnings, compared with a 12% loss from 2008 to 2009. Prior to 2009, campaign saw steady annual increases for more than a decade.
In total, national Jewish agencies will receive 4.7% less than last year. Total allocations to overseas projects in Israel and around the world will decrease 5.2% less than last year. Local agencies will absorb a decrease of $312,114, or 2% from last year (compared with nearly an 8% reduction in 2009).