This year, NFTY expanded their commitment to developing youth leaders with a larger Youth Summit adjacent to and often intertwined with Convention. Here, participants are taking advantage of the unexpected warm weather in Chicago for a workshop. NFTY also expanded their professional development efforts internally, with new staff dedicated to ensuring that youth leaders are developing and collaborating on best practices for giving teens agency.
Preparing meals and dessert at the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago.A dance workshop as part of the Creative Arts Workshops.Several groups went out around Chicago on Sunday to explore the community and participate in social action opportunities. Here Jewish, Muslim and Christian teens discuss common causes at the Muslim Education Center in Morton Grove. NFTY attendees also witnessed and participated in a Muslim prayer.Songleading in the main hallPastor Chris Harris of Bright Star Church in Chicago, with an attendee, speaking about the need to use your heart and your mind to bridge the gap between African-Americans and Jews.