What Buddha and Freud Have to Do with Nonprofit Marketing
From the recent NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference we would like to share Mark Rovner and Katya Andresen’s overview of donors’ seven needs to feel fulfilled.
With all the shiny technology tools out there, it’s easy for us to be blinded to the fact technology is about bonds, not wires. It’s human connections that matter.
In other words, some very human principles make or break the success of absolutely everything we do online.
From the discussion of “The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We’re Forgetting) about Online Outreach,” here are the seven things everyone wants:
- Need 1: To be SEEN and HEARD
- Need 2: To be CONNECTED to someone or something
- Need 3: To be part of something GREATER THAN THEMSELVES
- Need 4: To have HOPE for the future
- Need 5: To have the security of TRUST
- Need 6: To be of SERVICE
- Need 7: To want HAPPINESS for self and others
Click here for more and to read examples of organizations tapping into these needs.
photo source, shutterstock.com