URJ to Sell Kutz Camp to Town of Warwick
January 17, 2020
Dear friends,
We are writing to you, members of the Reform Movement’s most valued and dedicated leaders and volunteers, to let you know that the Town of Warwick, New York, has approved a contract with the URJ for the town to purchase the property at 46 Bowen Road in Warwick, formerly the site of URJ Kutz Camp. We believe the Town intends to use the property as a public space, perhaps as a public pool and recreational facility.
This outcome is congruent with our values and future-looking vision. The property is already part of the town’s overall community preservation strategy. Additionally, the Town also offered the most favorable financial offer as well as the greatest likelihood to close the deal amongst multiple offers received. A small task force of Reform lay leaders and staff, bringing expertise in real estate and capital investment, were deeply involved in the process of the negotiation and transaction.
The proceeds from the sale will be used to build on the work that the URJ has already begun in engaging and developing more teen leaders and building communities that reimagine Jewish life. New and expanded programs introduced over the last year have proven effective in training more teen leaders than we were previously able to, including NFTY North American Task Forces and Teen Fellowships. More opportunities for teen leadership development will be introduced across the URJ in 2020.
The URJ Oversight Committee has recommended moving forward with the sale, and last night the Town of Warwick board voted in favor. We expect to schedule a vote within the next week or so to ask the URJ North American Board to approve the sale. The entire process should conclude within 90 days of approval/signing.
Thank you again for your leadership and vision as together we continue to reimagine Jewish life.
Rabbi Rick Jacobs
President, Union for Reform Judaism
Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman
Chair, URJ North American Board
Robin Kosberg
Warwick Property Task Force Co-Chair
Sean Blum
Warwick Property Task Force Co-Chair