The Week That Was: November 13-19
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in descending order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
A Square Peg In a Round Hole
by James Hyman
A tremendous amount of resources have been invested in the promotion of Israel in the institutional Jewish community. This investment reflects a two-pronged belief. One, that the long term survival of Israel is necessary for the long term survival of American and world Jewry, and therefore American Jews need to be committed to Israel in order to compel American political leadership to support the Jewish state. And two, that Israel and Israeli culture have a great deal to offer American Jewish identity.
The Redcoats are Coming – and Hope Out of Boulder
by Andres Spokoiny
From Paul Revere to Tahrir Square, from Birthright Israel to Facebook, networks work and create synergies for better or smarter ideas, producing innovation by bringing good minds together. That was exactly the theme of a two intense days in Boulder, Colorado where, under the auspices of the Schusterman Foundation, Jewish leaders from all walks of life hugged and wrestled with the idea of networks in the Jewish Community.
When Good Donors Go Bad
by Robert I. Evans and Avrum D. Lapin
What would you do if you were the executive director, the campaign chair, or board member of a reputable nonprofit organization and a wealthy individual steps forward promising a multi-million dollar gift? In all likelihood, you will accept the gift graciously and then transmit warm gratitude to the donor. Depending on the size of the gift, you may probably offer a prominent, permanent naming opportunity to memorialize the support.
The Jewish Federations’ Big Gamble
by Dan Brown
That the world has changed is apparently a lesson the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) has failed to grasp. With the passage this week of the highly controversial Global Planning Table (GPT), JFNA – and as a result the Jewish philanthropic world – has taken a significant step backwards.
Social Media: Building Relationships On and Offline
by Florence Broder
A digital relationship just isn’t enough. We still need person-to-person interactions because real human connections can never be wholly replicated.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.