The Week That Was: February 19-25
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in descending order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
Defending the Jewish Agency: A Conundrum
by Dan Brown
These are not fun times for JAFI. They are continually coping with declining donations from the Diaspora; the Hebrew media – mostly at the behest of disgruntled employees (past and present) and the immigrant associations – are daily questioning the Agency’s commitment to aliyah; and personal vendettas are, to JAFI’s detriment, always playing out.
The Future of Judaism Begins Next Week
by Ariel Beery
Despite all of the budgetary difficulties facing the Jewish Agency, it still remains one of the most significant actors in the Jewish communal arena – and the only body with real political, communal legislative authority that includes Jews from around the world. This will not change.
Over 120 Jewish young professionals from 16 countries descended on Malta last week for the inaugural event of Jewish European Professionals (JEP). The attendees came from Gibraltar, Italy, Monaco, the Netherlands, Russia, Serbia and Switzerland, to engage in four days of lectures, workshops, tours, Shabbat worship and more.
Disturbed or Distant? They’re Not the Same
by Steven M. Cohen
In short, (some) Jews in North America see Israel rejecting their highest moral values and deepest core identities – as democrats, humanitarians, feminists, social activists, progressives, and, yes, liberals (still the favored political identification among American Jews, especially the non-Orthodox, in-married). But who are these “passionate progressives” who are easily disturbed and distressed by Israel, or at least its government and its policies?
Organizational Memory: When Remembrance Isn’t Enough
by Stephen Donshik
Many organizations depend on employees to remember decisions that were once made and the implications of those decisions for the organization. That is a mistake. Even if we trust in our staff, there is always a risk involved in depending on the memory of any one person or even of several people in an organization.
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.