Resolutions of the World ORT Board of Representatives
At the World ORT Board meetings currently taking place in St. Petersburg, Russia, the following resolutions were passed; included is a request to the Jewish Federations of North America to talk tachles.
Resolutions of the World ORT Board of Representatives, St Petersburg, Russia, May 25, 2010
The World ORT Board of Representatives recalls the founding of our organisation, here in the City of St Petersburg 130 years ago in 1880. Since that time ORT has remained faithful to its mission to provide Jewish communities, wherever they are, with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the complexity and uncertainties of their environment and to foster economic self-sufficiency, mobility and Jewish identity. The Board of Representatives resolves to continue to deliver world-class education and training, making full use of state-of-the-art technology to ensure that its programmes remain up-to-date and relevant to the needs of its beneficiaries.
The World ORT Board of Representatives salutes the State of Israel as it enters its 63rd year and sends greetings to its President, Prime Minister, government and citizens. The centrality of Israel to the Jewish people is a fundamental tenet of World ORT’s ideology, and the Board of Representatives reaffirms its commitment to the State of Israel and pledges to continue to support its growth and development by promoting and delivering excellence in education for all sectors of its society.
The World ORT Board of Representatives joins in celebrating the 50th anniversary of World ORT’s International Cooperation activities and expresses its appreciation to all professional staff and lay leaders involved in delivering these programmes. The Board of Representatives recognises that International Cooperation is integral to the mission of ORT because it is consistent with Jewish humanitarian principles.
World ORT would like to express its appreciation to the federation system’s support of ORT’s vital work around the world in partnership with the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) for over 60 years. However, World ORT expresses its concern for the drop in funding and a disappointing process which led to this decision. World ORT calls for the immediate convening of a meeting between the leadership of the two organizations to openly discuss the future allocation to World ORT and the ongoing and future relationship between World ORT and the American Jewish federations, where members of ORT have always been loyal donors to the federations in the cities in which they live.
World ORT would like to express deep gratitude to its Officers, trustees and representatives and professionals for generously pledging in a single evening $2.7 million towards World ORT activities. This outstanding result was achieved during the Celebratory Gala dinner in the presence of some 200 people from over 30 countries held at the Great Choral Synagogue on 24 May 2010 in St. Petersburg, and which is unprecedented in ORT’s 130 years. World ORT salutes all those supporters for their unwavering loyalty and commitment to students throughout the world.
The members of the Board of Representatives of World ORT express their appreciation to the Federal and Local educational authorities in the Russian Federation for the mutual work in the field of education and acknowledges with thanks the congratulation messages for ORT’s 130 anniversary from the aid to President Medvedev, Dr. Alexander Dvorkovich, the former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, from the Governor of St Petersburg, Valentina Matveenko, from the secretary of the Russian Academy of Science Academic Velechov and from President of the Russian Jewish Congress Mr Kanner.
World ORT notes with sorrow the recent passing of our Deputy President, Eugene (Gene) Ribakoff and sends its condolences to his family. During his all too short tenure of office he proved to be a source of inspiration and guidance, bringing to the organisation the benefit of his wisdom and experience.