Oneline Fundraising: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
from NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network:
The State of Online Fundraising
The last three months of the year represent a critical time for the fundraising efforts of nonprofit organizations. Charities that have traditionally focused on offline fundraising have also learned in recent years the importance of online giving. In fact, the end of the calendar year is also a significant source of the funds raised online for nonprofits.
…The end-of-year online fundraising opportunity only underscores the importance of this channel as a giving source. Some nonprofits still struggle with developing a successful online fundraising program. And there are still some skeptics out there, those who say “wake me up when online fundraising is really really big.” They probably said the same thing about Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools.
Here’s your official wake-up call.
Online Donors: Why They Leave and How to Win Them Back
Online donors can be summed up with a phrase that would make an excellent soap opera title: the young and the generous.
They tend to be under 40 and their gifts are around $100. Obviously, we want more donors like them: they account for most of our acquisition, and they are a leading source of new revenue for most nonprofits.
The trick is getting them to stay once they give
Raise Money on Facebook: Four Strategies You Need to Know About
When it comes to online fundraising, an obvious tip is to meet your current and potential donors where they are. With 300 million active users, Facebook is a natural starting place. Moreover, the company reports that people who are 35 years and older make up the fastest growing user demographic, which corresponds to the demographic mostly likely to make a donation online.