Moishe’s in da Aussie House!


Moishe’s in da House!

The topic of next generation Jewish engagement continues to raise its head, following the important report last year arising from the Gen08 community survey, which gave some clear indications of some of the drivers of Jewish identity and continuity.

The report pointed out that “the current mix of institutions will not satisfy future needs”. Elsewhere in the world, a rising generation of young adults are reshaping old ideas and building new institutions in the Jewish community and beyond. However locally, despite the talk and the buzz, progress has been limited.

Australian Jewish Funders (AJF), drawing inspiration from the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation(USA), is taking a leading role in helping to facilitate more of this activity in Australia. AJF is a peer network of funders who gather to learn from each other, strengthen the network that shares a vision of engaged philanthropy and fosters a culture of giving that reflects our Jewish and personal values.