Hagee Ministries Distributes $1.35 million to Israeli and Jewish Organizations

On Sunday, Hagee Ministries held its 39th annual Night to Honor Israel at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. Senior Pastor and founder of Hagee Ministries, as well as Christians United for Israel founder and Chairman, Pastor John Hagee, and nationally syndicated radio host and host of Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox News, Mark Levin, served as the event’s keynote speakers.
On the heels of a year in which the US saw yet another increase in anti-Semitic activity, and with the event itself falling on the anniversary of the horrific attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Night to Honor Israel focused on combatting anti-Semitism in all its forms, wherever it may be found.
“Think about it, never in the history of Christianity have millions of Christians united for the sole purpose of defending the nation of Israel and to protect the Jewish people from every vestige of anti-Semitism … Anti-Semitism is evil. Anti-Semitism is sin. Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, it is everyone’s problem,” Hagee said.
“America and Israel are bound forever. The people who love America, love Israel… Anti-Semitism is spreading, and it’s spreading at an alarming rate,” noted Levin.
At the event’s conclusion, Hagee Ministries distributed $1.35 million in donations to Israeli and Jewish charities. The following organizations received support:
Afikim Family Enrichment Association, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Bikur V’Ezras Cholim, Galilee Medical Center, Just One Life, Koby Mandell Foundation, Nefesh B’Nefesh, Ohr Torah Stone, Save a Child’s Heart, Shurat Hadin, The American Friends of the International Young Israel Movement, and the Women’s International Zionist Organization.
“There is no compromise with anti-Semitism… Anti-Semitism is a daily event in America and is something that should concern us all,” Hagee added.
Since holding its first Night to Honor Israel, Hagee Ministries has donated more than $100 million to Israeli and Jewish charities.