Cisco Network Academy at ORT Moscow Technology School is best in Russia
Back in 2012, with a goal of creating favorable conditions for intensive ICT study in local secondary schools in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, ORT and Cisco signed a Memorandum of Understanding relating to the opening of Cisco Networking Academy™ programs in six schools.
At ORT Moscow Technology School, over the past 4 years more than 100 high school obtained prestigious Cisco professional certificates.
During the 2014-2015 academic year, two instructors of ORT Moscow Technology School Cisco Academy (Ilya Spivak and Arkadiy Gordon) were recognized as the best trainers among all the schools in Russia. And today, April 7, at the Annual Forum for Cisco Academies Instructors of Russia the school and its instructors were granted diplomas and prizes.
Earlier today, Mikhail Libkin, the Director of Development of ORT Russia, told eJP, “ORT gives our students access to the most up-to-date and in-demand educational programs. Collaboration with Cisco is one of the good examples of our business to NGO cooperation in FSU region. Cisco Network Academies are running efficiently at Moscow and Kiev ORT schools. Such projects attract parents and the community’s attention to the school. We are happy that our students get the best out of modern education.”