AMHSI Scores a First With Google Translate
In what we believe is a first for an Israel based initiative of its kind, Alexander Muss High School in Israel has added Google’s latest translator tool to the top-right hand corner of every page of their website.
As AMHSI endeavors to expand to international markets, the ability to instantly translate into 51 different languages offers them measurable marketing advantages. The school is already creating buzz in France among potential participants and their families.
AMSHI is also a founding member of Lapid, a coalition of twenty-two high-school age programs in Israel whose goal is to strengthen awareness, recognition and financial aid for participants [on par with university-age programs]. Unlike MASA and Taglit Birthright-Israel, programs directed to high school participants receive no financial support from either the Government or the Jewish Agency. Lapid recently concluded a successful seminar in New York, their first outside Israel, for member organizations.