AJC Releases “Sinat Chinam,” a Resource Guide on Antisemitism
As we approach the first anniversary of the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, countless American rabbis and others will commemorate the event with sermons and other talks and events involving that tragic day – widely chronicled as the worst in U.S. antisemitic history
In order to help rabbis, educators and even other faith leaders prepare their talks, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) has assembled a rabbinic resource guide – titled Sinat Chinam – for their use. The 60-page guide was distributed by AJC last week to most of America’s more than 5000 rabbis and others. It may be viewed here.
Included are Worship Resources (including memorial prayers for and short bios of the Tree of Life victims), Traditional Sources (from Jewish text), Quotable Quotes (from notables about antisemitism), Sample Sermons & Divrei Torah, Perspectives (and opinion pieces), What You Can Do, and such Appendices as Defining Antisemitism, Facts & Figures on such in the U.S. and Addition Resources.
All six staff rabbis at AJC contributed heavily to the guide. The guide was spearheaded by Bluelight Strategies and edited by AJC Rabbis Noam Marans (AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations) and David Levy (AJC Regional Director in NJ).