Jewish Interactive and TinyTap announce Technology Partnership to Enable Next Generation Jewish Learning

Outside it was a warm, sunny day. Inside there was a buzz in the air as 50 principals gathered last week at Apple’s NYC HQ to discover what’s in store for the future of Jewish education during a joint all-day leadership training event held with Jewish Interactive, Centre for Innovation in Jewish Education (CIJE) and Apple.

Following the success of 2 similar days at Apple’s London HQ (UK), this was the first of a nationwide campaign to inspire Jewish day schools in the USA to bring their Judaic classrooms up to date, using cutting edge technology.

Jewish Interactive (Ji) has a vision to provide universal access to quality Jewish learning. With an existing user base in over 850 cities around the world, Ji is well positioned to achieve this audacious vision through its efforts to create, curate and catalyse Jewish learning around the world.

With several years of implementation experience, Ji continues to demonstrate thought leadership in the sector. Working towards strategic partnerships with funders, educators, school operators and technology providers Ji is providing quality resources for Jewish learning.

Launched at the training event, Ji Tap is the most recent strategic partnership between Jewish Interactive and TinyTap – the leading Israeli educational app company which includes a social platform where Judaic teachers and students can create, play and share their own gaming apps, with insights, data and inbuilt assessment tools.

According to Ji CEO Chana Kanzen, “JI has grown rapidly, with offices in the UK, South Africa and Israel, and now with our CIJE partnership we are well positioned to expand our efforts across the United States. As Jewish educators with the ability to harness digital technologies that can solve real problems in the classroom, our global network is helping us share good practice, and empower teachers to engage their students, grab their interest and make Jewish learning cool. In addition, Ji is partnering with Beit Issie Shapiro in Raanana – a school for children with severe disabilities – to provide an inclusive tool, enabling their access to Jewish learning. A special thanks to the generous unwavering support and vision of Martin Glatt and Nicky Newfield of the Glatt Foundation, we have carefully cultivated our own in-house production team; gifted innovators who are quietly creating an education revolution.”

To download the free app or book a training visit: