17 Chabad Programs Score in Chase Contest
In addition to the programs listed below, Challah for Hunger – an organization founded by Eli Winkelman – will receive $20,000 from the Chase competition.
from Chabad.org:
Chabad Groups Win $340,000 Through Chase Community Giving
… 17 Chabad-Lubavitch programs across the United States will each receive $20,000 – for a combined total of $340,000 – after finishing among the top 200 charities in the Chase Community Giving competition on Facebook. Among the group are 14 branches of the Friendship Circle, an award-winning program that pairs teenage volunteers with children with special needs.
Jill Jenson, assistant program director and event coordinator for the Friendship Circle of South Bay in Redondo Beach, Calif. – which finished in 10th place overall – said that she was proud of the results, especially since her organization entered the contest with only 15 days remaining.
“It was pretty stressful; I was on the computer all the time,” said Jensen. “Our strategy was to contact as many people as possible, and we had wonderful support from our community.”