White-Label Booklet Features Wellness Advice for Parents of Teens
By Zalman Abraham
On the heels of the recent Mental Health Awareness Month, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) released Parenting in a Pandemic, a white-labeled publication for Jewish organizations and schools across North America to affix their logo to and share with parents in their network. The 36-page booklet provides expert advice and practical wisdom from fourteen mental health professionals who specialize in adolescent mental wellness and is designed to help parents and educators support their teens through the remainder of the COVID-19 crisis.
Parenting in a Pandemic was published as part of JLI’s youth suicide prevention initiative, My Life Is Worth Living.
Suicide is the second leading (and #1 most preventable) cause of teen death in the United States. In the past decade, the suicide rate among teens has risen by 56%. Yet, according to the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), it still takes an average of 10 years from the onset of symptoms until teens actually begin receiving treatment!
My Life Is Worth Living is training youth leaders to recognize warning signs, assess risk, and create safety plans with their teens; and to facilitate group discussions about identity, self-esteem, coping mechanisms, and personal meaning based on universal Jewish wisdom and contemporary psychology.
The program aims to train 1,000 camp counselors, educators, and youth leaders by the end of 2020. To reach this goal, JLI is partnering with organizations across the Jewish spectrum in addition to its existing network of 2,000 affiliated chapters.
My Life Is Worth Living was chosen as one of four projects deemed worthy of funding by participants in the Jewish Federations of North America’s recent “Summer 5780” Design Sprint.
JLI is a member of the American Association of Suicidology, and its clinical advisory board is comprised of leading names in suicide prevention.
Parenting in a Pandemic is available free of charge and can be customized by interested organizations to share with their constituents digitally or in print. To view the flipbook, visit: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/751627/. To order print or customized copies for your organization, visit https://www.myjli.com/index.html?task=parenting.