We’re Now Available in Hebrew, Russian, Spanish and …

BXP25447As part of a Website redesign launched two weeks ago, eJewish Philanthropy has become the first online media publication serving the Jewish world to provide site content in a range of languages.

Striving to remain ‘ahead of the pack’ in delivering news and thought pieces to our global Jewish audience, this new addition provides a quick and simple way for visitors to access content in their language of choice. A “Translate” button now appears at the bottom of every post; when clicked a popup window opens showing a list of the available languages (take a look below).

We will have more to say on our redesign over the next few days, but in the meantime, take a look around to become more familiar. And if you haven’t yet watched, check the video currently on our home page – a tribute to the late Richard Pratt.

Special thanks to Inbal and Valerie for vetting translations, respectively in Hebrew and Russian, over recent weeks.