Using Paid Search for Fundraising: A Case Study on AJWS

We are often asked for examples of what other Jewish organizations are doing well online. We share opinions, however it is not often we have tachlis we are in a position to discuss.

Now, Donordigital, an online fundraising consultancy, has released a case study on an initiative with American Jewish World Service.

“Search engine marketing through Google, Yahoo, and other search engines can generate positive rates of return for many organizations, even if they can’t get a Google Grant providing $10,000 a month worth of keywords.

In developing a paid search campaign for American Jewish World Service for the 2008 year-end giving season, Donordigital worked to improve a less-than successful 2006 campaign to convert more visitors into donors and take advantage of both “brand” and issue keywords. The resulting campaign generated an ROI of 4:1!”

You can download the newly released case study, Applying Best Practices to Paid Search Fundraising: American Jewish World Service Case Study, from Donordigital’s Website. (look under featured)