The Week That Was: October 7-13

Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in alphabetical order – are the most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:

A Tale of Two Philanthropists

by Dr. Michael S. Berger

With Simchat Torah earlier this week, the run of Tishrei holidays with their unique themes, tastes and rituals have come to an end, but not without giving us yet another opportunity – through Parshat Breishit (Genesis) – to reflect on our work and roles in building and supporting Jewish communal life.

Good to Great: A Jewish Ten-Point Institutional Assessment Evaluating Successful Jewish Organizational Models
by Steven Windmueller, Ph.D.

Using Jim Collins’ Good to Great principles, I had occasion to study four institutions within the American Jewish communal system, comparing their practices with Collins’ concepts related to the social sector.

Employing his standards, I was able to evaluate ADL, AIPAC, Hadassah, and Jewish National Fund.

Nonprofit Salaries Redux
by Richard Marker

Our good friends at The Chronicle of Philanthropy have published their annual compendium of salaries of executives in the public benefit/nonprofit world…

I continue to feel, though, that this conversation manages, again, to miss the mark. While I do think that it is always appropriate for public organizations [and public companies, for that matter] to be subject to transparency, and to limit abuses, I am not convinced that the greatest abuse is at the top.

Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.