The Week That Was: December 4-10
In today’s world, no nonprofit organization would think twice about collecting, and hopefully analyzing, information about their donors. So too, with website traffic. For how else can one effectively judge site visitors’ demographics and interests?
Based on site and RSS feed analytics, here – in descending order – are the five most popular posts on eJewish Philanthropy last week:
Why did American Jews Overreact to a Clever Critique of American Assimilation?
by Gil Troy
American Jewry is furious. Israel-Diaspora relations are endangered. Israel’s Prime Minister is apologizing. And why? Because the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption’s campaign inviting expatriate Israelis back home, suggested, shock of shocks, that there is widespread assimilation in America, so much so that Christmas sometimes trumps Chanukkah, especially for kids; that living in English shifts your linguistic orientation away from Hebrew…
Getting Next Generations
by Wayne Firestone
Prior generations of Jewish leadership helped enable this generation [today’s young leaders] to have unprecedented educational and leadership opportunities, as well as a global perspective. Now that young adults are more visibly on the communal radar screen, it remains to be seen who will really “get” (understand) this generation’s leaders.
What Do They Earn in the Jewish World?
The Forward’s third annual survey of 76 national Jewish organizations paints a picture of communal stagnation in gender equality, as the number of women in leadership roles remains at the same low level, and the gap between male and female salaries has grown even larger.
A Different Slant on the Global Planning Table
by Carl Sheingold, Ph.D
The decision of the JFNA to create a Global Planning Table has been greeted with a good deal of skepticism in the press… Many observers have asserted that it will be a bureaucratic anachronism, out of step with the culture of a new era in which decentralized philanthropy and innovative start ups are replacing a system of large institutions seeking to set or reflect communal priorities.
The Cuban Jewish Community (or is it Jewish Cuban?)
a visit in photos by Alex Kadis
Click the red tab above for previous weeks most popular posts.