The Power of a Birthright Mega Event

There is something to be said to being in the middle of 6000+ enthusiastic young adults celebrating Israel.


Last night in Tel Aviv, Taglit Birthright Israel threw a party. It wasn’t just any party, but the largest Mega event to date – held in the largest indoor arena in the country. 4500 Taglit participants joined with 1500 alumni living in Israel. The visual exuberance in the stadium (where high ceilings clearly surpass Jerusalem’s convention center), the thousands upon thousands of light wands lighting the darkened room, was a sight to be seen. Living, visual proof of a growing commitment to Jewish Identity from this all important demographic.

[eJP note: If you are a federation, or Jewish Agency professional, just think – a fundraising extravaganza you didn’t need to design, or even pay for. If you were attending with a key donor, one who cares about our community’s future – think about the possibilities….]