The Benefits of Budgeting by Committee
by Sherri Goldman
The Mayyim Hayyim 2014 budget is almost approved. We’re almost there, awaiting final approval from our Board of Directors in just a few weeks. I always find this time to be a mix of relief that the budget is so close to being complete, and a sense of accomplishment from the teamwork and input of my Mayyim Hayyim co-workers, Budget and Finance Committee and Board of Directors. Preparing the Mayyim Hayyim budget is definitely a team effort.
The first step in the budget preparation is looking back to see how we have been doing the past couple of years. We have a chance to revisit and reflect on all aspects of Mayyim Hayyim’s past goals, dreams and day to day operations. Then we have the opportunity to imagine and plan where we want to be in the next fiscal year. It’s an opportunity for everyone at Mayyim Hayyim to set goals, and evaluate expectations. Not one aspect of Mayyim Hayyim is not considered.
The Mayyim Hayyim budget makes sure immersions will take place in a beautiful, clean and well maintained building space, programming will be scheduled throughout the year – some funded by grants and partnerships, art will be exhibited in our gallery, relationships will be formed and maintained nationally and internationally, fabulously fun events will be attended and celebrated. Nothing about Mayyim Hayyim is too small or too big to budget.
All of Mayyim Hayyim is in the budget. Kind of amazing – taking the concept, dreams and reality of what Mayyim Hayyim is all about and translating it in numbers to paper. Our budget is a community of partnership, sharing and ownership. For me, witnessing our budget coming together is like being the conductor of a symphony orchestra. Once we get the final blessing of our Board of Directors, we’ll be ready once again to start planning and dreaming about what Mayyim Hayyim will do and be in the 2015 fiscal year, and beyond. Let the music begin.
Sherri Goldman is Administrative and Finance Director at Mayyim Hayyim.
cross-posted on the Mayim Hayyim blog