Szarvas Cancels Summer Sessions
In response to the growing impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe, this summer’s sessions of Szarvas, the JDC-Lauder international Jewish summer camp in Hungary, have been cancelled.
Speaking with eJP yesterday, JDC said, “Our abiding concern for the health and safety of the campers, staff, and local Jewish communities in the Szarvas orbit was the key consideration. We were also guided by our role as responsible stewards of the cherished resources that make Szarvas possible, both human and economic. By making this decision now, we will limit the financial impact of cancellation and can allow local campers and communities to plan accordingly.
Understanding full well that Szarvas is one of the critically-important engines driving Jewish life and leadership in Europe and around the world, we are currently exploring opportunities for Szarvas to serve as a resource to campers and counselors even while not in session this summer. This may include online education, including seminars and lectures, or other digital Szarvas content.”