Registration Open: Mechon Hadar Summer Institute for Jewish Professionals
Mechon Hadar is holding a four-day Summer Institute geared toward Jewish professionals! The seminar, from June 25-29, is intended to draw an audience from a variety of backgrounds looking to spend time deepening their connection to Jewish learning around relevant and substantive issues. This summer we will focus on themes of social justice.
In addition to the main program, we also offer specialty tracks for
- Hillel Professionals
- Day School Teachers
The goals of our learning together include:
- Helping people to encounter each other through deep text learning.
- Facilitating discussions around how to take back to your workplace “pocket Torah” that will be useful in real-life work scenarios with colleagues, lay leaders, volunteers and your constituents.
- Broadening our own knowledge and understanding of Jewish learning.
This seminar is intended for people working in Jewish professional organizations looking to deepen their connection to their work through Jewish text. Core faculty to include: R. Avital Hochstein and R. Elie Kaunfer.
All backgrounds welcome! For more information and to register, please visit
The cost for this program is $360 per person which includes two meals per day. Early bird rate for this track is $280 if you sign up before May 1, 2017.