Recently Added to Resources

Here are links to two new articles we added to our Resources section yesterday:

Tech Tips for Fundraisers in 2009

If 2008 has been an exceptionally challenging year, 2009 promises even greater opportunities to do more with less. These difficult times demand that nonprofit organizations become as efficient and organized as possible and that they employ technology more effectively than ever before to reduce overhead costs while speeding project implementation.

Connect Your Nonprofit’s Offline and Online Activities

Your nonprofit’s website gets tens of thousands of hits every month. Thousands support your Cause on Facebook, and you’ve mapped out a killer Twitter strategy to attract a hundred new followers weekly. So what?

“Those are impressive numbers on the surface,” says Jayne Craven of Coyote Communications, but it’s vital to evaluate your organization’s online activities in terms of offline actions: “If they don’t translate into more volunteers, repeat volunteers, new and repeat donors, new and repeat clients, greater onsite event attendance, legislation, or public pressure, they are just that: numbers.”