On Emerging Communities

Our community is thriving.
And who you may ask is this community?

from our ‘about’ section:
To some, they represent the MTV generation; to others Millenials or Generation Y. To the UJC, they are simply NextGen. They number around 76 million Americans and will form the most technology savvy bulk of the adult population over the next twenty years. They have been inspired by the aspirations, hopes and financial freedom of their Baby Boomer parents; they are optimistic, idealistic and feel empowered. This funky young crowd, sporting their own definition of Judaism, is the harbinger of a new golden age of Jewish communal innovation.

Some are visionaries, creating programs on a shoe-string, or armed with just an idea, giving birth to exciting, fresh and cutting edge endeavors.

One, PresenTense Magazine, has just released their latest issue, On Emerging Communities. We highly recommend it; available online and in hard-copy.

from the editorial:
“Why is it that we seek community? Well, not all of us—but for the most part, we humans tend to get lonely when we’re alone. Or is it that we just have more fun with others? Either way —a denial of pain or an increase in pleasure—community has certainly been a core value for Jews across the ages, and from the number of Facebook Groups and Events invites sent a day, it seems it is a core need today as well.

As the all-volunteer staff of PresenTense brought together the voices for this issue, we were amazed by the range of issues and identities around which communities can gather. Communities can be forced into formation by the hard facts of geography, form locally due to spiritual calling, or operate across vast distances and spot encounters that grow into lasting friendships.

But more than anything else, communities tend to have a purpose. In making clear that purpose, communities provide a meaning for the life of each and every member of who joins.”
Read more.

And be sure to check out “Antisocial Networking” from our regular eJP contributor ShaBot 6000.