NY Event: Jews and the Berlin Wall, A Panel Discussion

The fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989; This public photo documentation was released and featured by the Senate of Berlin. The photo (photographer unknown) is protected by copyright but permanently placed in a public area, therefore covered by §59 UrhG; via Wikipedia.
The fall of the Berlin Wall – 1989; This public photo documentation was released and featured by the Senate of Berlin. The photo (photographer unknown) is protected by copyright but permanently placed in a public area, therefore covered by §59 UrhG; via Wikipedia.

Marking the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Jewish life took different paths on either side of the Berlin Wall. In the East, Jews fled or faced East Germany’s anti-religion, anti-Zionist polices. In the West, Jews sought normalcy but lived “with packed suitcases.” A panel discussion featuring leading scholars and eyewitnesses will examine the impact of the Berlin Wall on Jewish communities on both sides, as well as the enormous growth in Germany’s Jewish Community after the fall of the Iron Curtain due to migration from the former Soviet Union. The event is presented by Leo Baeck Institute and the Consulate General of Germany in New York.

Sunday, November 16, 2014, 2 p.m.
Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York City

Admission is free. For registration information visit: www.lbi.org/berlin-wall.