NewsBits: Around the Jewish Web

from the JTA:

Federation leaders approve reforms, diffuse overseas funding fight

According to those close to the process, the proposed planning table would operate differently than the failed process, known by the acronym ONAD, that was used for a few years to decide overseas allocations by asking the Jewish Agency and the JDC to make their cases for money every year. The planning table would consist only of federation leaders, who would decide together what are the needs and priorities of the system and then ask the overseas agencies to carry out those needs — in some cases reaching out to additional organizations.

from The Stanford Social Innovation Review:

Brandeis Betrays Its Givers

If Hollywood ever remakes a Three Stooges movie, Brandeis University should get a leading role.

The school’s decision to shutter its art museum and peddle its artwork is a knuckleheaded move worthy of Moe, Larry and Curly, making a hash of the trust of givers who gave dollars and art to the school.

from the Canadian Jewish News:

Bronfmans lead effort to revitalize community

Federation president Marc Gold describes Gen J as an investment in the future of the Montreal Jewish community. It is not simply a new fund to which those with innovative projects are invited to apply, but more importantly, an open-ended process intended to encourage a community-wide discussion on how to make being a Jewish Montrealer meaningful to those under 30.