NewsBits: Around the Global Philanthropic World
The pros and cons of nonprofit internships
The voluntary sector is full of people trying to serve and better society in a multitude of ways. Most people would agree with this assessment. But established charities and nonprofits all have to get their staff from somewhere. They don’t just grow on trees.
One of the time-honoured methods employed by organizations to stock the third sector with civic-minded employees is to tap into the wellspring of willing and eager student interns.
from The Chronicle of Philanthropy:
Most Charities Are Trying Social Media, But Few Can Measure Its Impact
Nearly all charities are experimenting with social-media tools like Facebook and Twitter to get attention for their groups, but few have found ways to measure the tools’ usefulness, according to a new survey.
from The New York Times:
Philanthropy Thrives, Even With Reduced Resources
The expectation in America is that people who do well give back to society. For the wealthy, it is one way to stave off charges of being greedy. And in the boom times, being seen as philanthropic seemed a social and political obligation.
… philanthropy has not dipped as much as people’s net worth. “I think some donors are in a state of panic, which leaves them frozen in place,” said Melissa Berman, president of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers. “But others have a more philosophical temperament and have continued on a steady course.”
from The New York Times:
Trustee Seeks Billions for Madoff Investors
The billionaire financier and philanthropist Jeffry M. Picower’s will instructs that the bulk of his estate be used to establish a new charitable foundation to replace the one he and his wife shut down last year due to losses in the Bernard L. Madoff investment fraud.
from Vancouver News Radio 1130:
Report: Baby boomers giving to charity again
A Bank of Montreal report on charitable giving suggests some Canadians are feeling more generous than they used to be. The report says Canadian ‘baby boomers’ gave less during the recession, but their plans have now changed.
Earlier surveys found 51 per cent of boomers had less to give during the economic downturn. But this new report shows 82 per cent of boomers plan to increase or maintain their current level of giving over the next five years, no matter how the economy changes. And BMO says because there are so many boomers, their donations can really make a big difference.
Many in the boomer group want to know how their donations are used and will take a greater interest in the eventual impact their donations have. That could be why 94 per cent surveyed say it’s important to give to local causes, not global ones.