News and Tips Around the Nonprofit World
Economy Hobbles Giving by Some Wealthy Donors
Many wealthy baby boomers have cut back their gifts to charity in the last six months — another sign that the nation’s bad economy is starting to hurt charitable fund raising.
On the average Web page, users have time to read at most 28% of the words during an average visit; 20% is more likely. We’ve known since our first studies of how users read on the Web that they typically don’t read very much. Scanning text is an extremely common behavior for higher-literacy users; our recent eyetracking studies further validate this finding.
Secret Social Media Agent Man: A Guide to Going Under the Radar
Want to move your organization out of the 90s? Work the backchannels. Identify other employees who are open to new ideas and already experimenting with new technologies. Search online networks like LinkedIn and Facebook for the digital breadcrumbs of colleagues, senior managers and key gatekeepers in your organization.