New Report Highlights Trends in Legacy Giving
The final report of the International Survey on Gift Planning is now available online. Envisioning & Investing in Legacy and Bequest Opportunities summarizes responses by 907 individuals, from more than 25 countries…all involved in legacy and bequest fundraising. The report, prepared by CharityVillage® and Give Green Canada, features insights about trends in legacy giving, perceptions about barriers to creating a successful legacy fundraising program, and tips for legacy and bequest fundraising success.
from the report background:
The Big Questions
The dominant question that should be in the minds of leadership in the nonprofit sector is: how well is my organization positioned to be a part of this phenomenon?
Despite the amount of attention paid to the existence of the wealth transfer, much less attention has been paid to what nonprofit organizations are doing to position themselves to reap the benefits.
Given there are still 30 to 40 years of this transfer yet to take place (even if an organization started a legacy or bequest program tomorrow), a secondary question is: what can organizations do to ensure they are not left behind?
The complete report is available for download.