Jewish Life Takes to the Streets at Hungary’s Celebrated Judafest

Judafest 2014An outdoor street festival with over 9000 visitors. Art projects for children and senior citizens. A musical performance by a choir composed solely of Holocaust survivors. Kitschy jewelery, books, Judaica, organizational tables, kosher food and more. And a “fun run.”

Judafest 2014It could have been almost anywhere. But it wasn’t. It was in Budapest – a city where many would not have expected such a public celebration – in a country where some say Jewish life is mostly finished.

Judafest 2014Yet on a recent humid Sunday, with the sun shining bright, Kazinczy Street in the historic Jewish quarter – dubbed the Street of Culture (a Kultúra utcája) – came alive as thousands joined together to celebrate the richness of Jewish life that exists in Hungary today.

Judafest Fun Run 2014The photos say it all.

Judafest 2014

Judafest Fun Run 2014

Judafest 2014

Judafest 2014

Judafest is the single largest Jewish event in Hungary today; coordinated by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and generously supported by the Thalheimer Family – JDC Support Foundation, Inc.

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