Jerusalem 2.0

The intersection of technology and the Jewish world has been a hot ticket in Jerusalem over the past month. First, we had the JBloggers Conference sponsored by Nefesh B’Nefesh. Then just last week, a great launch event by Amuta 2.0 featuring social media guru Jeff Pulver. And coming next week, another primo event; this by Tachlis 2 Point Oh! featuring practical information related to Web 2.0 tools.

Tachl!s 2 Point Oh! A Tachlis oriented conference geared towards businesses, non-profits and individuals.

Why: It’s time for Tachlis; a conference that will focus on practical information that can be used immediately to improve Internet strategy.

Who: Do you want to know about how the latest Web 2.0 tools can help you fulfill your goals?

What: Tachl!s 2 Point Oh! has no agenda other than the effective dissemination of practical information based on real life examples and years of experience.

Check it the program; and if you’re in Jerusalem, this is the next event to be seen at! BTW, I hear the venue is ‘way cool’.