How Do College Students Perceive Anti-Semitism?
The Institute for Jewish & Community Research has released ALONE ON THE QUAD: Understanding Jewish Student Isolation on Campus – selected findings from a larger study of college student experiences with religious intolerance on campus. Over 1,400 students nationally, including over-samples of minority religious groups, were surveyed, making this one of the largest and most comprehensive surveys of its kind.
The major findings include:
- Over 40% of students confirm Anti-Semitism on their campus
- Jewish students face Anti-Semitism alone
- Jewish students report Anti-Israelism creeping into the classroom
- Anti-Semitism is being normalized and underreported
- A significant minority of Jewish studnets say Anti-Israel protest targets Jews
- The majority of non-Jewish students do not hold opinions on Israel.
A summary of Alone on the Quad is available here; the complete study will be made available in 2012.