Hebrew U. Hosts International Conference on The Art and Culture of Giving
The third international conference of The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel took place yesterday at the Hebrew University Mt. Scopus campus. The conference was held thanks to the generous sponsorship of ELKA, JDC-Israel, the Federmann School of Public Policy and Government at the Hebrew University, Sheatufim The Israel Center for Civil Society, Gandyr Foundation, Matan – investing in the community and Maor Foundation.
The conference related to various aspects of giving in Israel and around the world, focusing on differences between national philanthropic arenas, community foundations, culture and giving, the motives for giving and giving via partnerships.
The conference included two keynote speakers: The first, Prof. Paul Schervish, Director of The Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College, was titled: “Financial Capacity and Spiritual Purpose: The Money, Meaning and Motives of 21st Century Philanthropy”.
The second lecture was given by Prof. Una Osili, Director of Research at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and titled: “Understanding Differences in International Philanthropy”. (Prof. Osilis’ presentation is available here.)