Hebrew College features Israel’s Multiple Dimensions in Educators’ Conference
In celebration of Israel’s 70th year of independence, Hebrew College’s Shoolman Graduate School of Jewish Education will be holding a conference October 28-31, 2018 focusing on the multiple dimensions of Israel, including its diverse people, spirit of innovation, Hebrew language, Israeli literature, culture, nature and much more. The conference is designed to help educators and professionals expand their knowledge about Israel and help them develop skills to share their learning with students and families. Each day of the conference will be dedicated to different topics and audiences.
The conference is partially funded by CJP and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. View the program and register online at www.hebrewcollege.edu/2018-EdConference. For additional information and questions, contact Linna Ettinger, Conference Coordinator at lettinger@hebrewcollege.edu.