Hadassah Is Really Hurting
You know things must be really tough for Hadassah if Nancy Falchuk, Hadassah’s National President, releases an urgent solicitation request on a Friday evening – one of the worst times in the U.S. news cycle for exposure.
Here are some excerpts (emphasis eJP):
Protecting our mission and our values takes more than planning. That’s why we need every member of Hadassah, and generous non-members as well, to be involved. This a critical moment in which your financial support is so urgent.
I’m asking every one of you to give as much as you can. And while all gifts are welcome, to protect the Hadassah body as a whole, we especially need unrestricted funds, not dedicated to any our wonderful specific projects.
I appeal to you directly, simply, humbly. We need your IMMEDIATE support to continue our projects in Israel. To save lives every day. To educate the next generation that will lead Israel in the years and decades to come.