Govn’t Committee Recommeds Stripping Hadassah WZOA of Hospital Board Control
As for the Hadassah Organization, the Gabbay Committee says, “Besides raising donations on a huge scale, the Hadassah Organization failed to properly manage the hospital during the crisis.” It recommends appointing a completely independent board of directors, where no party will have a veto.
from Globes:
Gabbay C’ttee: Take the hospital away from Hadassah
“Almost everyone involved in the matter has a hand in bringing Hadassah Medical Center to its present condition,” is the conclusion of the Gabbay Committee… Gabbay does not recommend nationalizing the hospital, as proposed by Ministry of Health director general Prof. Ronny Gamzo, recommending instead keeping it without a controlling core.
In effect, the Gabbay Committee recommends leaving the hospital’s current owner, Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America, with just one director on the hospital’s board, and to increase the number of public directors, including representatives of the workers.