ELI talks Announces an Open Call for Speakers
ELI talks is now accepting submissions for its next round of production, scheduled for the week of June 15th in Chicago, IL. This open call for speakers will run through March 18, 2015. Late entries will be reviewed at the discretion of ELI talks.
ELI stands for Jewish religious engagement (E), Jewish literacy (L), and Jewish identity with Israel and peoplehood at the core (I). Every talk in the ELI catalog addresses, and deepens in some way, the viewer’s connection to these elements.
“ELI is all about inspired Jewish ideas, rather than inspired ideas for Jews,” says Program Director Miriam Brosseau. “We’re looking for new ideas that emerge from Judaism – Jewish text, history, philosophy. Innovation within tradition.”
All are welcome to submit here. For questions about submissions, or to learn how to become an ELI talks production partner, contact Miriam Brosseau: miriam at see3 dot com.