Do You Have a Media Friendly Policy

One of our frustrations is the roadblocks put up by all to many organizations in dealing with the media. From the lack of appropriate contact information, to organizations not replying to requests for simple clarification on a program. And often, these are the very first organizations to complain about what we do, or do not, write about them.

Take a look at this primer from Joanne Fritz, Press Releases and Beyond: Attract Media to Your Nonprofit with a Web Site Press Room, and keep in mind the message. Or maybe, we should just begin publishing a regular list of the most media-unfriendly Jewish organizations!

“Don’t think for a moment that the fragmentation of the media landscape means that you can ignore media outreach for your nonprofit. You have to be more diligent than ever about your website newsroom in order to attract the media. Make it easy, or risk turning off all those reporters, bloggers and other content providers who might mention you in an article or write about your accomplishments. Here is what you should include in your web site press room.”