Coronavirus Resources & Recorded Webinars

Coronavirus Resource Hub is an initiative of Jewish Funders Network
Updated: March 26, 2020

Resources for Funders

Resources for Nonprofits

Resources for Educators & Parents

  • Prizmah Center for Jewish Day Schools: Includes detailed information on online learning, examples of coronavirus-related communications to parents and guidance about safety protocols.
  • Jewish Education Project’s Resource Page: School-related guidance on how Jewish day schools, congregations, JCCs, early childhood, and independent settings are responding and planning in their communities. Includes links to relevant webinars. 
  • Unpacked for Educators (Open Dor): Live online Jewish learning sessions on a variety of topics for school-age children.
  • Addressing Crisis: Resources for Jewish Teen Philanthropy (Jewish Teen Funders Network): This resource highlights different Jewish text, conversations prompts and suggestions for how to apply Jewish teen philanthropy during a crisis situation. (Added on March 20)  
  • Resources for Quarantined Families (PJ Library): Ideas for ways to stay busy and have fun at home, along with guidance in talking with your children about quarantines and pandemics.
  • Remote Learning Resources Page (Center for Israel Education): Includes a variety of materials to enhance your knowledge of Modern Israel including videos of past CIE presentations; recorded webinars; podcasts; and informational videos about specific topics. Check back often as we continue to expand our digital offerings; Also offering Israel Direct Education and Learning, an online learning program delivered through Teachable. (Added on March 23)


Reports from the Field

North America

  • How Jewish Family Service is Responding (Seattle): CEO Will Berkovitz on building and using a crisis response team, figuring out how best to keep serving clients, making decisions during a crisis, and operating while conditions are changing rapidly. (Via the Bridgespan Group. Links on this page to other reports from the field, as well.)
  • The Jewish Federation of San Diego County, Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego and Leichtag Foundation have partnered to establish the San Diego Jewish Community COVID-19 Emergency Fund. The accelerating scale of COVID-19 calls for a coordinated, streamlined response to support those who are most vulnerable and impacted primarily in San Diego’s Jewish community. A consortium of initial funders have already contributed more than $1.6 million to launch this Fund. This urgent effort will gather information about community needs and immediately allocate funds, employing effective processes that proved successful in prior crises. Accepting donations here. (Added 3/24)
  • Charitable Food Resource Guide During COVID-19 (Mazon): General resources and state-by-state resources. “As the coronavirus spreads, MAZON is carefully monitoring the situation, coordinating with our grantee partners and other colleagues across the country, gathering the latest information, and advocating at the federal and state level for swift and effective action to expand access to food assistance for those affected. While we recognize that all states and communities will be impacted, MAZON is committed to listening for and lifting up the needs and concerns of those places where we expect to see a disproportionate impact, including in the most food-insecure states as well as those states already reporting large numbers of coronavirus cases. Over the coming days and weeks, we will act as an information clearinghouse for the most-up-to date information from these states as we work to ensure essential services, government benefits and food assistance are available to all who need them.” (Added 3/25)



Recorded Webinars

Coronavirus and the Jewish Community: Responses from the Field (JFN webinar from March 18)

First and foremost, the coronavirus pandemic is a public health crisis. But it is also creating significant economic and logistical challenges for institutions and vulnerable populations within and beyond the Jewish community. In this webinar, Sagi Balasha, Chief Executive Officer of The Ogen Group; Paul Bernstein, Chief Executive Officer of Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools; Lisa Eisen, Co-President, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation; Rabbi David Rosenn, Executive Director of the Hebrew Free Loan Society and JFN President and CEO Andrés Spokoiny explored the scope of the problem, how Jewish institutions are responding and what funders can do to help. During the webinar, Lisa Eisen and Andrés Spokoiny referenced this episode of JFN’s Jewish philanthropy podcast, “What Gives?” 

News from Funders

  • The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel) announced an immediate donation of $13.6 million to boost the efforts of Israel’s hospitals to fight the spread of the coronavirus. (3/19)
  • The Azrieli Foundation approved an emergency fund on March 18, earmarking $2 million to be directed to immediate needs in Canada, and NIS 10M to needs in Israel. Priority areas include serving the elderly and Holocaust survivors (particularly for food and basic needs), the educational and psychosocial needs of at-risk youth and special-needs learners, services for individuals with disabilities.
  • The Jewish Federation of San Diego County, Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego and Leichtag Foundation have partnered to establish the San Diego Jewish Community COVID-19 Emergency Fund. The accelerating scale of COVID-19 calls for a coordinated, streamlined response to support those who are most vulnerable and impacted primarily in San Diego’s Jewish community. A consortium of initial funders have already contributed more than $1.6 million to launch this Fund. This urgent effort will gather information about community needs and immediately allocate funds, employing effective processes that proved successful in prior crises. (Added 3/24)
  • Major Jewish Organizations Form Emergency Pandemic Coalition (eJewish Philanthropy). Added 3/26/20