Camp Educators Cohort: Applications Open!

Are you a camp director or camp educator? Apply for M²: CEC today. Over the course of three, four-day convenings, together with an expert faculty and educational and developmental coaches, participants gain exposure to the core theories and pedagogies that frame the choreography, architecture and design of experiential Jewish education at camp. By extracting the best and most cutting-edge theories from a broad range of fields, such as neuroscience, developmental psychotherapy, social work and experiential design, CEC will provide knowledge, skills and tools for participants to be able to apply and understand how these fields can impact and inspire the camp experience.

Deadline to apply is September 21, 2018. Learn more at

M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education develops and provides training and research to advance the field of experiential Jewish education and invest in the growth of its educators.

Read a related article here.